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Winterberry Bush

Winterberry Bush

Ein Rotkardinal in einem Winterbeerenstrauch, Marion County, Illinois, USA

A northern cardinal perched in a common winterberry bush in Marion County, Illinois, USA

Northern cardinal, Marion County, Illinois, USA

Un cardenal del norte posado en un arbusto común de bayas de invierno en el condado de Marion, Illinois, Estados Unidos

Un cardinal nordique perché dans un buisson d’hiver commun dans le comté de Marion, Illinois

Un cardinale rosso appollaiato su un cespuglio di bacche invernali nella contea di Marion, Illinois, USA

Cardeal-do-norte empoleirado em um azevinho, no condado de Marion, Illinois, nos Estados Unidos


ショウジョウコウカンチョウ, 米国 イリノイ州

Wallpaper Name : Winterberry Bush
Date : February 20, 2023
Author : © Richard and Susan Day/Danita Delimont
Categories : Animal
Country :
Views : 1591 Views

Description : Winterberry Bush Wallpaper from bing homepage background image on February 20, 2023.If you don’t find the exact resolution you are looking for, then go for Original or higher resolution which may fits perfect to your desktop.Images are copyright to their respective owners, use of this image is restricted to wallpaper only.

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