Intl Womens Day Change
Der Cibeles-Brunnen ist anlässlich des Internationalen Frauentags beleuchtet, Madrid, Spanien
Cibeles Fountain and Madrid City Hall lit for International Women's Day, Madrid, Spain
La fuente de Cibeles y el edificio del Ayuntamiento de Madrid iluminados con motivo del Día Internacional de la Mujer, Madrid, España
Fontaine des Cibeles et hotel de ville illuminés pour la Journée Internationale de la Femme, Madrid, Espagne
La fontana di Cibeles e il municipio di Madrid illuminati per la Giornata internazionale della donna, Madrid
シベーレスの噴水とマドリード市庁舎, スペイン マドリード
Date : March 8, 2023
Author : © dpa picture alliance/Alamy
Categories : Building
Country : Spain
Views : 1224 Views
Description : Intl Womens Day Change Wallpaper from bing homepage background image on March 8, 2023.If you don’t find the exact resolution you are looking for, then go for Original or higher resolution which may fits perfect to your desktop.Images are copyright to their respective owners, use of this image is restricted to wallpaper only.